Hidden Systems is a Long List Honoree for the 2023 National Book Award in Young People's Literature! See the press release at newyorker.com

Hidden Systems

"In Hidden systems, writer and cartoonist Dan Nott sheds light on three critical systems we so take for granted we barely see them even though they are all around us and often in plain sight. 

 He skillfully weaves together history, science, technology and ecology to build pictures of the internet, the evolution of electricity and the crucial infrastructure developed to bring us water.

This is a compelling and thoroughly entertaining display of intellect and empathy brilliantly communicated through page after page of masterfully designed and drawn cartoon panels.   

Every panel, simple or complex, deserves a closer look and as in all the best graphic literary work, each word is carefully chosen and each phrase precisely placed to lead us on a thoroughly rewarding journey." 

David Macaulay,  The Way Things Work

Hidden Systems — Dan Nott —  Random House Graphic 


(c) 2023 Dan Nott